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  • kayacelal3452

What about creating a movie poster with me?

Hello everybody! This week task was creating a movie poster about a book. First of all, I am not a person that reads a lot so from my girlfriend recommendation I chose ''Letter from an Unknown Woman''. Next step was to think about all of the thinks that I had to mention according to the instruction that teacher gave to us. The hardest part about it was creating a illustration. I founded the three different pictures and put together in one.

Okay, I have everything I need now. Next step was to find a suitable website. Luckily one of my classmates had mentioned a website before which is ''Canva''. It has numerous tools and very easy to use. Here is the link if you are interested:

It was quite fun doing this project but also very tiring as it requires creativity and diligent-working. I would use this if i have group of students that have enough creativity and hardworking.

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