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  • kayacelal3452

Digital Storytelling About Bullying!

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

Greetings my dear readers! Finally it is time to write about one of my favorite experiences about this course and semester. DIGITAL STORYTELLING!

I had so much fun this semester but I LOVED THIS ACTIVITY. Group activities are my best because I love working with other people and when they are my friends I love it even more.

When we first heard about the activity when our instructor told about, me and my friends looked each other and formed the group instantly. In that week, we decided which one we were going to choose and decided the PSA. Then we had to pick an topic and I came up with the idea '' Bullying''. Following this step, we tried to come up with ideas what to do. We met at school and created a series of events and shot them. I played as the nerd type who are being bullied and my roommate, Tuna, played the typical American high school bully. The cameraman was Ali and Mert helped us with the shots. When we were done with the camera, it was time to edit the clips we had. Luckily, Ali were involved in video editing before and the process was not that hard. As the last thing, Mert vocalized the text we had written before and our PSA was ready.

I LOVED THIS ACTIVITY. Every step was so fun and enjoyable( even thinking about the topic.) Generally, the students do not like projects that require too much effort but this activity can be assigned to students that like video editing and camera shooting things.

You can click here to check out our PSA:

These are the blogs of my friends I worked with in this project. Make sure you check them!

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