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  • kayacelal3452

Farewell :)

Hello my dear readers! This can be the last time saying this because we have come to the end of the semester and I am not sure whether I will continue writing my blog. No matter what happens this blog will be in my memories forever.

With this class, I have found numerous ways to integrate technology into teaching and make teaching process more fun. When I become a teacher someday, I will definitely use them.

Before taking this class, I had no idea technology can be used in such ways in second language teaching. The ordinary and classical teaching methods used in Turkey made me believe that there were almost no ways to make them fun. Thanks to our instructor Mrs. Kurt, I was enlightened with such methods that my whole world changed.

My favorite activity to do was definitely digital story telling. I like working with other people and engage in IRL shots so it was fun. I cannot find a specific activity that I do not like because each one of them was entertaining.

About the course and classes, the classroom environment was warm and our instructor was so knowledgeable in her own field that I was sure every lesson was gonna be a knowledge roller coaster. I probably attend almost every class as I knew I was gonna learn something new. The thing I did not like in the classes however was each week we were assigned with another homework. Instead of this, we could have been assigned twice a week.

As I said before this is probably my last blog. Take care :)

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