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  • kayacelal3452

Let's create a Wiki!

Hello everybody. This week's task is to create a wiki entry and review a film of our choices. Between many great and well-known productions, I selected ''The Pursuit of Happyness''.

The movie is about Chris Gardner's life from a man who is a broke man with his son to becoming a stockbroker through difficult events. If you are going to watch this movie, you had better be ready for the emotional roller coaster because you may feel just like Chris Gardner does in the movie. The whole production is very good at reflecting this.

The process of creating a wiki is very entertaining. As everything instructed clearly, the whole thing becomes easier to do. When I become a teacher, I will may make my students create a Wiki entry. Such activities like creating a wiki or podcast develop student's feelings about learning a foreign language and strengthen the bond between teacher and student.

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